Storyline Buying the car
On 15 April 2023 I was sitting on my couch doing my usual Facebook marketplace round. I don’t know why but I changed my location from The Netherlands to Luxembourg. I typed in BMW M3 in the search bar and hit search.
I immediately spotted a brand new advertising with the title ‘Bmw M3 E30 Cecotto’ Placed 1 hour ago..
Wow, how the day changed then and there. I must have read the ad ten times before I realized this just might be a once in a lifetime opportunity. People often asked me what my perfect M3 would look like and I always answered any E30 M3 as long as the colour is Macou Blue. For the enthousiast that know any E30 M3 in Macou Blue is a Special edition such as an EVO 2, Ravaglia, Europameister or a M3 convertible. In this period of my life I was thinking of buying a M3 but in my price range shopping for a special edition was just unthinkable and something I definitely could not afford.
This car was offered by a very nice gentleman who had owned the car for over 15 years.